Pubdate: 14 Dec. 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: Copyright: 1998 The Orange County Register Author: Tom Teepen, national correspondent for Cox Newspapers. THE SUPREME COURT AVOIDS A SPEED TRAP The U.S. Supreme Court justices in a recent ruling seemed shocked, shocked that Iowa police had got it into their heads they could search any drivers and cars they pulled over for routine traffic violations. But the court needed only to look at its own rulings in recent years to see where the idea came from that privacy claims have little standing against the claims of law enforcement convenience. The court's record of indifference to privacy issues is not perfect but it leans heavily against any but the most narrow and literal readings of the Constitution's Fourth Amendment guarantees. The court has been winking for years at supposedly forbidden "unreasonable searches and seizures" that violate the "right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects." Indeed, the justices needed to refer back only a week to their ruling that guests in your home don't enjoy the protection that you do from warrantless police searches. Perhaps overnight guests would, some justices said, but not day visitors, a distinction notable mainly for its arbitrariness. Your home may still be your castle, but it could become a dungeon for drop-ins. As the court became more conservative with Reagan and Bush appointees - - a condition little changed by Clinton's two - it came to favor the power of the state over the liberty of individuals. (An odd tack for conservatism, one would thinks, but there you are.) In 1986 the justices held that governments can outlaw and punish even the homebound, consensual exercise of sex acts a legislative majority chooses to proscribe. It would be difficult to imagine a more intrusive extension of police power. The court has been increasingly indulgent of forced drug tests in schools and workplaces even when no drug use is suspected. It has shrugged off school-house strip-searches of students. In an Ohio case, the court endorsed the search of the car of a driver arrested for speeding - an obvious precursor to the Iowa law that permitted such searches for any traffic stop. That broad grant of police power finally was too much for the court. It meant anyone driving in Iowa was subject to a search for criminal evidence at any officer's whim. All that was required was an officer's willingness to write a ticket charging the driver with fudging a red light, creeping through a stop sign, beating the speed limit by a few miles. Officers could, in practice, stop and search motorists for spite, sport or just because they didn't like a driver's looks. The latest ruling gives only feeble cause for encouragement. Its unanimity shows that the justices do, at the extreme, have some sort of gag reflex against privacy violations, but the justices made only a very fine distinction, one between searching drivers "arrested" for a traffic violation (OK) and merely ticketed (not OK). The justices show no inclination to rethink their burdening body of decisions that have steadily narrowed the zones and conditions in which Americans can reasonably expect to be shielded from the rummaging intrusions of a nosey state. - --- Checked-by: Rich O'Grady