Source: Isthmus (WI) Contact: Forum: Pubdate: 17 Dec 1998 NOT A SPOILER Politicians and pundits who continue to characterize Peter Steinberg's role in the Dane County district attorney election as a "spoiler" just do not get it (In the Loop, 11/6/98). Had candidates Deirdre Garton or Diane Nicks articulated a viewpoint opposing marijuana prohibition, they would have gained the support of voters who oppose ft. Since they were unwilling or unable to do this due to political constraints, nearly 13,000 voters showed their agreement with the rational policies espoused by Mr. Stein-berg. Steinberg voters also padded the totals of Tammy Baldwin, Russ Feingold, Ed Garvey, Mark Pocan and other progressive candidates. The issue that brought them to the polls brought their votes to these other candidates. This is a growing constituency that discovered its political power in the recent elections. With an organization now in place, active political opposition to marijuana prohibition in Dane County will continue. Steinberg is to be commended for having the courage to speak out about prohibition's harmful effects. More candidates need to understand they have more to gain by defending personal liberty than by hastening its demise. Gary Storck ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ald. Tracey Amato's ill-mannered invective against my campaign for district attorney says more about the deficiencies of the Democratic Party of Dane County than it does about the merits of my "quixotic single-issue crusade." It is evident from her intemperate letter that she makes no attempt to avoid offending not only me, but the many supporters of my campaign. If Ms. Amato wishes to blame anyone for Diane Nicks' occupancy of the Dane County District Attorney's 0ffice, she need look no further than Bill Foust, who accepted Gov. Thompson's shilling, in the form of an appointment to the judicial bench, in order to allow Tommy to put a Republican in Foust's place. And Ms. Amato is wide of the. mark when she accuses the Madison left of a "propensity to shoot itself in the foot" Speaking for myself alone, I can only reply that my aim is a lot better than that, as I believe I have demonstrated in this past election campaign. I want to publicly thank the many volunteers and contributors who have helped make this one of the most effective campaigns in recent Dane County history. Peter L. Steinberg - --- Checked-by: Mike Gogulski