Pubdate: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 Source: The Columbian (WA) Copyright: 1998 The Columbian Contact: P.O. Box 180, Vancouver, WA 98666 Website: Forum: Author: Rob Smithdeal Note: Molly Ivins' column, which appeared in many newspapers, is at: OUR READERS VIEWS MEDICAL POT NOT A PROBLEM Was it only irony that Molly Ivins' Dec. 6 column, "Blind Justice: America's love affair with prisons is about to bankrupt us," was placed side by side with Sandra Bennett's local view column, "Medical pot is not about compassion, but getting stoned?" Or was it just fortuitous that Ivins came as a breath of fresh air after Bennett's diatribe? Bennett apparently is not happy that there are times when, inexplicably enough, reason prevails and voters make decisions based on the information at hand and not knee-jerk reactions. To suggest that millions of voters in six states were fooled into voting for medicinal marijuana by well heeled interlopers from out of state overlooks the obvious fact that maybe we did it because we care about the people who qualify to use it for that purpose. I do not believe that we will suddenly have a large segment of the population stoned out of their gourds because we have done so. I am much more worried about some middle-aged accountant who has a little problem with alcohol and a large automobile. Even if some people do use this law for nefarious purposes, I, along with increasing numbers of Americans, am sick to death of pawning our children's futures in the vain hope that absolutely nobody in this country will do anything that is bad for them. It would actually probably be cheaper to lock up Bennett and all those like her who still don't think we have enough prisons. Rob Smithdeal Vancouver