Source: Extra! - The Magazine of FAIR 
Author: Barbara Bliss Osborn
Pubdate: March/April 1998
Contact:  130 W. 25th St., New York, NY 10001  
Note: FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) is the national media watch
group that offers well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship.


Gary Webb's Fate a Warning to Gutsy Reporters

Imagine this: You're and investigative reporter with nearly 20 years
experience. You publish a multi-part investigative series in a reputable
daily paper. The story electrifies the public and sends the country's
premier newspapers scurrying to find fault with it. After exhaustive
examination involving dozens of journalists at several major newspapers, the
original story is found - except for a few details and overstatements - to
be basically sound.

Yet you find yourself ostracized. Your follow-up stories go unpublished.
After being transferred and taken off the investigative beat, you leave

Is this how today's newspapers reward gutsy investigative reporting on
politically sensitive issues? It sure looks that way.

Extra! readers will have no difficulty putting flesh on this skeleton. The
reporter is the San Jose Mercury News' Gary Webb. The story is Webb's
three-part series, published in August 1996, that documented that
Nicaraguans linked to the CIA-backed Contras had brought crack cocaine into
Los Angeles and channeled profits into the Contras. In the months that
followed, Webb wrote additional stories that went unedited and unpublished.
In June 1997, 10 months after the initial series appeared, Webb was
transferred from Sacramento to the paper's outpost in Cupertino -- a
four-hour round-trip commute -- and told he was no longer an investigative
reporter. In December, he left the paper. He now works for a government
oversight committee in Sacramento.

Examining the aftermath of Webb's "Dark Alliance" series makes clear that
investigative reporting -- particularly reporting that approaches
politically sensitive agencies such as the CIA -- can cost a reporter

Steady backstep

As he began research on the story, Gary Webb didn't know what was at risk.
When he first spoke with Bob Parry -- the Associated Press reporter who,
along with Brian Barger, broke the Contragate and Conta/drug stories -- Webb
thought Parry was being "overly cautious." "I thought he was being kind of
foolish," Webb recalled, when Parry asked him: "Are you sure you want to
ruin your career?"

Webb kept digging. In the weeks that followed the series' initial
publication, the Mercury News defended it. But after what Webb describes as
the "Los Angeles Time/NewYork Times double-whammy" -- the two papers, along
with the Washington Post, ran articles furiously attacking the series -- the
Mercury News began a slow but steady backstep.

By January 1997, when Webb turned in follow-up stories, none of his editors
called to edit them. "It was just total silence," he said. By March, Webb
was told that the paper was going to write a letter to readers about the

On May 11, 1997, the Mercury News published an editorial written by
executive editor Jerry Ceppos which characterized the series as "important
work" and "solidly documented," but outlined several aspects of the series
in which the paper should have done a better job in presenting the "grey

The editorial was notably neither a correction nor a retraction. It asserted
that the Mercury News:

* presented "only one interpretation of complicated, sometimes-conflicting
pieces of evidence" in a "few key instances";

* failed to identify the amount of money involved as an estimate;

* oversimplified how the crack epidemic in America grew; and

* "created impressions that were open to misinterpretation" through
"imprecise language and graphics."

Ceppos acknowledged in the editorial that Webb disagreed with his
interpretation of the evidence.

A month later, Webb was transferred to Cupertino and told he was no longer
an investigative reporter.

Webb was told he was being transferred because of how he responded to the
paper's "review process." He now believes that this was management's way of
saying that they were unhappy he disagreed with their assessment of how
significant the Contra-linked "Dark Alliance" drug ring was in spawning the
crack epidemic in south central Los Angeles. "It was a disagreement on
epidemiology," he said.

Given his union contract, Webb couldn't be fired. In fact, after his
transfer to Cupertino, the Newspaper Guild prompted arbitration hearings.
When he left the paper, Webb signed a confidentiality agreement which
prevents him from discussing the terms of his departure. He now works for
the Joint Legislative Staff Task Force on Government Oversight in
Sacramento. (Through an email interview, Ceppos declined to be more specific
or contradict Webb's version of events concerning how Webb and his follow-up
stories were handled by the Mercury News.)

Pulling the rug out

In assessing the story and its aftermath, some journalists have been struck
by the fact that Webb took the blame for the series alone. That's the
reaction of James Aucoin, a former journalist and now a University of South
Alabama communications professor who specializes in the history of
investigative reporting. Aucoin said that Webb "followed all the standard
operating procedures. Any errors could have been corrected in follow-up
stories without destroying him or his career."

"If there's any bad guys in this," Aucoin continued, "it's the people at his
newspaper. They pulled the rug out from under him. The editors had the
responsibility to make sure the story was done right and make sure the
documents were correct. They had just as much responsibility for oversight.
Yet he's the one who took the fall."

Reflecting on the history of Watergate coverage, Aucoin noted that Bob
Woodward and Carl Bernstein "were not particularly supported by their fellow
colleagues outside the Washington Post. The reason those stories were
allowed to continue was because Ben Bradlee and Mrs. [Kathaine] Graham
allowed them," he said. "You see the tremendous importance of editors and
publishers at a publication. If they're not willing to back the reporter,
the report is not going to get done."

While Webb doesn't deny that he was abandoned by the Mercury News' editors,
he said he was given a chance to rejoin the club. "I was out on a limb
because I chose to be," he said. "If I had gone along with the crowd and
been willing to say, 'Yeah, we should have done that and that,' I'm sure I
would still be there. I felt strongly we got the thing right the first

Another aspect of the "Dark Alliance" aftermath which strikes Aucoin as
significant is who attacked the story. In the days when investigative
journalist Ida Tarbell took on Standard Oil in the pages of Harper's,
Standard Oil came after Tarbell. "In the case of Gary Webb's charges against
the CIA and the Contras," he said, "the major dailies came after him. Media
institutions are now part of the establishment and they have a lot invested
in that establishment."

Webb thinks the source of the attacks makes perfect sense. "The government
side of the story is coming through the Los Angeles Times, the New York
Times, the Washington Post," he said. "They use the giant corporate press
rather than saying anything directly. If you work through friendly reporters
on major newspapers, it comes off as the New York Times saying it and not a
mouthpiece of the CIA."

As for the impact of Webb's experience on other journalists, Aucoin expects
it to have a "chilling effect on the whole practice [of investigative
reporting.] If reporters are asked to do a story and then they lose their
careers over it, why should they even attempt to do the stories.? It sends a
major message to reporters about the kind of information they're supposed to
come back with."

Internet - or independent

So if politically sensitive investigations are unwelcome in many of the
nation's newspapers, are there outlets for such stories? Webb credits the
Internet (as well as talk radio) with generating the national uproar over
the Dark Alliance story. Recalling the press freeze-out in response to AP's
initial Contragate investigations, Webb said, "What [the national media] did
with Parry and Barger was try and ignore them, and to a large extent, they
succeeded. When they couldn't ignore the stuff we did [at the Mercury News],
they came after us. Back in 1985, Parry and Barger didn't have the luxury of
the Internet. Our website made it accessible to people who ordinarily
couldn't read or hear about it."

But the Internet, however valuable, is still only an ancillary distribution
mechanism which can't support the costs of investigative journalism. Nor
does it have the credibility of the nation's newspapers and magazines. Thus
initial publication of such controversial material remains problematic.

After leaving the Associated Press for Newsweek and leaving Newsweek for
independence, bob Parry decided to launch his own magazine called I.F.,
named for journalistic maverick I.F. Stone and George Seldes' publication In
fact. "To do what I want to do," said Parry, "I think I.F. is the only
option to report on these topics in an honest way."

"Even if you go to the left press, there's a lot of uneasiness about these
stories," Parry continued. "Editors are afraid of being called conspiracy
theorists. People say it's old. It's a hard sell. I got tired of making it

Given his experience the last two years, Webb is a convert to Parry's way of
thinking. "The only way you're going to do effective journalism is to be
truly independent," he said. "It's a difficult thing to do, but George
Seldes and I.F. Stone did it. There's no reason modern-day journalists can't
do it too. You don't get 401-Ks and health benefits, but at least you get to
tell the truth."

Copyright © 1998 Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting.