Pubdate: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 Source: Lancet, The (UK) Volume: 351: 75, Number 9105 Contact: NEEDLE-EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES IN THE USA: TIME TO ACT NOW. Sir--Respecting your editorial on NEPs in the USA, in the mid 1980s, HIV-1 was identified as a potential threat to intravenous-drug users. In Southern Derbyshire in the UK, preventive measures taken included education and needle/syringe schemes, which also contributed to a reduction in acute cases of hepatitis B--from 17 cases in 1986 to two in 1996. It was, therefore, noteworthy when six intravenous-drug users in the district were diagnosed with acute hepatitis B between December, 1996, and February, 1997. All six lived in inner-city Derby, and were aged in their mid 20s. The first case had recently moved to the area from a neighbouring county, and at the time of diagnosis was living in a hostel. The first case was identified after the local drug agency moved premises in December, 1996. At the time of the move, and for several months after, fewer clients used the agency's needle and syringe exchange scheme. This decline was attributed to the fact that clients did not seem to know where the new building was sited despite previous publicity. At the same time, there were also problems in some parts of Derby City with an insufficient number of syringes and needles available for the community pharmacy needle and syringe exchange. A community pharmacist reported that there had been an increase in the amount of bleach being sold to intravenous-drug users in the winter months. It was also reported that users in the area pooled their resources to buy drugs and used several premises as communal meeting places. It seems that although they used clean needles, the syringe barrels were reused after being cleaned with bleach from a bowl used by all the drug users present. Results of the virus typing were received from the Public Health Laboratory, Colindale, and showed that five of the cases were related. This outbreak of acute hepatitis B in a well-defined group of intravenous-drug users raises a number of issues. Programmes for needle and syringe exchanges should be adequately funded and alternative supplies well publicised if any disruption to the service is anticipated. Any information or advice provided about the sharing of drug-taking equipment should emphasise the fact that it involves all injecting equipment and not just needles. Bleach should not be promoted as a way of disinfecting needles and syringes nor should any other method of cleaning, as there is no satisfactory alternative to single-use sterile equipment. *K A Ward, M Newlands, D W Bullock *Department of Public Health, Southern Derbyshire Health Authority, Derby DE1 2FZ, UK; and Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby 1 Editorial. Needle-exchange programmes in the USA: time to act now. Lancet 1998; 351: 75.