Source: Standard-Times (MA) Contact: Pubdate: Sat., 21 Mar 1998 TIME TO REASSESS DRUG WAR EXPENSES Your report, "Treatment, not Jail, best response to drug addiction," painfully illustrated that something is desperately wrong with the American public's view on drug abuse. Despite the recommendations of countless physicians, policy analysts and former cabinet officials, most of us still think the War on Drugs is in need of more cops, prisons and ammunition. When we're spending in excess of $27 billion annually (federal), we'd better have good reason to ignore these recommendations. But history tells us otherwise. Alcohol prohibition taught that it was not the alcohol, but the prohibition itself, that spread violence, crime and corruption across the land. And still, the Eighteenth Amendment did very little to combat alcoholism. We see exactly the same today. Nevertheless, we are clueless to the direct relationship between drug prohibition and the crime and violence associated with the drug market. And when we're told that drug treatment is simultaneously more effective and affordable, we still think our failed drug policy just needs a pick-me-up. If we admit the War on Drugs has failed, and we know treatment works better than prisons to fight drug abuse, then I think it is time we take our tax dollars a little more seriously. JOEL W. JOHNSON San Jose, CA