Pubdate: April, 1998
Source: Teen People Magazine
Page: 120
Author: Gail Hoch O'Connor

You're Sure That Pot's Illegal, But How Much Do You Really Know About It?
Here's A Look At What's Fact And What's Fiction

Myth #1: "Pot is not addictive- I can stop whenever I want."  Marijuana IS
an addictive drug. The hazy, almost dreamlike state some people achieve
from smoking pot can be very seductive, especially if you're stressed or
depressed." says Martha Gagne, director of the American Council for Drug
Education. "Suddenly, when you want to escape your problems or even to feel
good about yourself, you need that high." That's called psychological
addiction.  It's in your head.  But marijuana may also be physically
addictive.  AFter you haven't smoked for a while, you may experience such
withdrawal symptoms as sweating, jitteriness and nausea. One recent study
has shown that pot has the same addictive effect on the brain as heroin.

Myth #2: "It won't do any serious damage to my body." In guys, heavy,
chronic pot smoking can delay the onset of puberty, decrease sperm count
and make sperm abnormal.  In girls, such marijuana use can mess with
menstrual cycles and decrease fertility.  It may also raise levels of
testostorone (the male hormone), which pumps up facial and body hair growth
and causes acne.  Not pretty. Another uncool fact: When you are stoned,
your responses are slower and you aren't able to think as clearlly, which
increases your risk of doing something you will really regret- like not
using a condom during sex, or driving a car when your reflexes are totally

Myth #3: "I can just stick with pot, I don't have to get into any 	other
drugs."  Even if you swear you'll never try cocaine or heroin, as a pot
smoker you may end up doing a hard-core drug without even realizing it.
How? Simply, there's no way to tell if the joint, blunt or bong being
passed your way contains pot that's been laced with something else- like
cocaine, crack, heroin or acid.  So you might sample another dangerous drug
and become physically addicted to it.

Myth #4: "If I get caught, I'll only be in serious trouble with my
parents." Forget how your folks would react: If you get busted for using
marijuana, they just might be visiting you in jail.  Depending on the state
you live in, you risk landing yourself a sentence ranging from probation to
something more severe, like a stretch of time at a residential
drug-treatment center or a juvenile detention center.

Pot by the Numbers:

5-the number of cigs you would have to smoke to do the kind of damage to
your lungs that smoking one joint does.

30- The approximate percentage of teens who have used pot at least once in
the past year. That's just 3 out of 10, so forget using "peer pressure" as
an excuse to light up. 

20- some marijuana is 20 times more potent now than it was a few decades
ago. (Newer,stronger strains are being cultivated), so it's MORE HARMFUL
to your body and brain than ever before. 

6- The number of months in jail actor Robert Downey Jr.- who told Diane
Sawyer on PrimeTime Live that he was ADDICTED TO POT at age eight- is
serving for drug-related offenses.

need more info??? 
If you want to know more about marijuana or other drugs, contact: 
America Council for Drug Education Helpline: 800-DRUGHELP; 
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information: 800-729-6686
or 301-468-2600;

Pot Almost Ruined My Life- Rhianne Alexoff, 17, is a recovering pot abuser
and drug addict.  She checked into Phoenix Academy, a residential
drug-treatment facility in the San Diego area, about a year ago to get

This is her story: 
The first time I used pot I was 12.  I was with a crown of older kids and
someone passed me a joint.  I didn't want to seem like a little kid, so I
smoked it- and then I started hanging out with that crowd. When it was time
for me to start high school, I only stayed a week.  My mother begged me not
to drop out, but I didn't listen.  I got my GED at 16, but I wasn't done
partying.  I even sold drugs on the side.  My mom was worried about me, and
she asked me to come to Phoenix aCademy.  When I first got here I thought
pot was okay because it's a plant- it's natural. Now I know that anything
that alters your mind is a drug.  I plan on going to college soon.
Whatever I do, I definitely don't plan on doing drugs."