Source: New Scientest Section: Letters Pubdate: 4 April 1998 Contact: Website: HIGH ANXIETIES Philip Cooper refers to the current problems we have with alcohol as the reason we should not legalise marijuana (Letters, 14 March, p 58). What he fails to mention is that the US tried banning alcohol, and it was a disaster. Prohibition failed to produce any long-term reductions in alcohol use and created new problems of its own. One such problem was a massive increase in the use of alcohol by children. During Prohibition, school officials reported that they were unable to hold school dances and other events because it had become fashionable for all the male students to show up with a hip flask of whisky. They even had to close some schools for a while because so many kids were coming to school drunk. The slogan of the campaign for Prohibition was "Save the Children". The same slogan was used in the campaign for its repeal--by some of the same people who had campaigned for Prohibition in the first place. They reported that, before Prohibition, their children had been unable to get alcohol easily. After Prohibition came into effect, their children became involved in the liquor trade. The major problems of violent crime and alcohol use by children did not diminish until alcohol was legalised once again. The lesson of history is that these drugs may be bad, for a lot of reasons, but that prohibition doesn't solve those problems, it only makes the situation worse. CLIFFORD A. SCHAFFER DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy