Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: Pubdate: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 Author: Maria Alicia Gaura, Chronicle Staff Writer POT CLUB'S FUTURE IN JEOPARDY San Jose police searching center's files A flurry of new criminal charges were leveled yesterday against the director of the Santa Clara County Medical Cannabis Center and could force the organization to fold by the end of the month. Center Director Peter Baez pleaded innocent yesterday in a San Jose courtroom to six counts of selling marijuana without a doctor's recommendation, charges that carry a possible punishment of nine years in prison. Baez was first arrested on March 23 and charged with selling pot to one patient without a valid medical recommendation. Five more counts were added yesterday based on a review of patient files seized from the center by San Jose police. Investigators are continuing to search the files for more alleged violations. In addition, prosecutors are trying to seize the center's $29,000 checking account under asset forfeiture laws that allow them to confiscate drug dealers' profits. Baez, 34, remained free on $5,000 bail yesterday and faces addition court proceedings on May 6. ``I've made up my mind that I have to get out of (running the center),'' said Baez, who suffers from colon cancer. ``My health can't take it. I just want to enjoy what time I have left in this world.'' Baez said he and center co-founder Jesse Garcia will leave the center by the end of the month which, along with the loss of their bank account, will likely result in the center's closure. The San Jose center was the only medical marijuana dispensary in Santa Clara County. With the cannabis clubs in San Francisco, Oakland and Marin threatened with closure by federal officials and the Santa Cruz club out of business, medical marijuana users in the Bay Area may soon be limited to buying pot from two small clubs in San Francisco and one in Hayward. Of course, marijuana is freely available on the black market. ``I think we're really in danger of thwarting the will of the population'' that voted for Proposition 215, the voter initiative that legalized medical marijuana in California, said Ben Schatz, executive director of the San Francisco-based Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. Medical and civil rights groups as varied as the ACLU and the California Medical Association have expressed concern about the prosecution of Baez because it is based on a police seizure that some think violated patients' confidential. Santa Clara County prosecutors and San Jose Police say they never intended to close the San Jose center, and do not want marijuana denied to legitimate patients. They said they targeted Baez with criminal charges because he handled almost all of the center's direct sales. ``We didn't shut them down, we left most of their marijuana and a significant amount of working cash,'' said Deputy District Attorney Denise Raabe. ``If they decide to close, that's a business decision they can make. But it wasn't what . . . police were trying to do.'' Baez said he feels betrayed and entrapped by police, who he worked with closely to set up the center and write workable regulations after Proposition 215 was passed. He said that the prosecution's case is based on notes and documentation he scrupulously compiled in an attempt to keep his operation in line with the law. Baez and his attorneys claim that center workers received either a verbal or written recommendation for marijuana use from the physician of every client, but noted that many doctors fear losing their license if they admit to police that they have recommended pot use to patients. ``I put my heart in this place from the very beginning,'' Baez said. ``Through surgeries and chemotherapy and other battles with my health, I put 100 percent into (the center). I got blacklisted at the other (cannabis) centers for (cooperating with the San Jose police). When I look back at what has happened, I'm heartbroken, just heartbroken.'' )1998 San Francisco Chronicle