Source: Orange County Register (CA)
Pubdate: Fri, 17 Apr 1998
Author: John McDonald


Prosecutors say Marvin Chavez mailed 7 ounces of pot, a felony.

Prosecutors filed a new charge  Thursday against medical-marijuana advocate
Marvin Chavez, alleging that he mailed 7 ounces of cannabis to a woman in
Northern California.

Central Municipal Court Judge Charles Margines set bail at $100,000 for
Chavez, 41, director of the Orange County Cannabis C0-Op.

Chavez contends that he distributes marijuana to people with medical needs,
an activity he says is legal under Proposition 215. Prosecutors say Cahvez
sells marijuana, a felony.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney Carl Armburst leveled the new charge
Thursday, based on a mail receipt and fax seized at Chavez's home during
the execution of a search warrant this month. That evidence led U.S. postal
inspectors to intercept a package sent to a woman in Northern California,
which contained seven ounces of marijuana, he said.

Armbrust said the new count, of transportation of marijuana, is significant
because it is a clear-cut felony. The earlier charges involve quantities of
less than an ounce, which would result in misdemeanor convictions if a jury
finds that Chavez gave the marijuana away rather than sold it.

Chavez's attorneys maintain he never charges for marijuana but accepts

But Chavez's lawyer, Jon Alexander, said all of the charges must be thrown
out because of the protection of Prop. 215.

Armbrust noted that Chavez violated a court order prohibiting him from
distributing marijuana.