Source: Washington Post Page: A01 - FRONT PAGE Note: Staff Writer John F. Harris contributed to this report Author: Amy Goldstein, Washington Post Staff Writer Contact: Website: Pubdate: Saturday, April 4, 1998 CLINTON SUPPORTS NEEDLE EXCHANGES BUT NOT FUNDING The Clinton administration declared yesterday that needle exchange programs can help curb the AIDS epidemic without fostering the use of illegal drugs, but refused to allow federal money to be spent on the controversial approach. The continued ban on federal funds stunned leading AIDS researchers and many activists, who had long believed that government money would begin flowing as soon as the administration determined there is enough scientific evidence to show that needle exchange programs work. But by divorcing the science from the matter of subsidies, the administration found a way to surmount lingering disagreements among President Clinton's top advisers over one of the most contentious public health questions they have confronted. Needle exchanges have become a lightning rod in the debate over how the nation will combat the AIDS epidemic, now that it is well into its second decade. The programs, which have sprung up in more than 100 cities across the country, including Washington and Baltimore, attempt to slow the spread of HIV by giving clean syringes to intravenous drug users, thus lessening the sharing of needles that contain residue of tainted blood. Advocates of the programs say such a strategy is increasingly important as the epidemic has veered more heavily into populations of drug users and their sex partners and children. Such drug-related cases account for nearly one-third of the more than 600,000 AIDS cases reported in the United States since the epidemic began. The proportion is substantially higher among people who have been infected in recent years and particularly in the nation's large cities. But the strategy also has a large army of critics, including many conservatives and President Clinton's drug czar, Barry McCaffrey, who contend that it tacitly condones the use of illegal drugs since it puts the government in the business of handing out free needles. Administration sources said yesterday that Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. Shalala preferred to begin allowing certain needle exchange programs to qualify for federal aid, even though such a decision would have touched off a fight with Congress that even some Democratic leaders had warned would be foolhardy. "She knew this would be tough, but she was willing to defend it on the Hill," said one administration official close to the discussions. But Sunday night, while flying back to Washington from a South American trip, Clinton decided in favor of a second alternative Shalala had proposed: leaving the ban in place while announcing that needle exchanges were scientifically sound. His decision ended an agonizing debate among his senior aides. Yesterday, Shalala said that, even without the subsidies, the administration's decision that needle exchanges have scientific merit will galvanize syringe programs at the state and local level by sending a signal that the federal government endorses the efforts. "This is another life-saving intervention, which requires a careful local design," she said at a news briefing, surrounding the director of the National Institutes of Health, the acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the surgeon general, and other top federal health officials. In the Washington area, the District and Baltimore operate needle exchange programs with local funds. The Maryland General Assembly this year decided to allow a similar program to begin in Prince George's County, but defeated a measure that would have allowed exchanges statewide. There are no needle exchanges in Virginia. Shalala's announcement, in effect, answered the second of a pair of questions Congress posed several years ago. Congress said that federal money could be spent on needle exchanges only if research conclusively established that they met two criteria. Last year, Shalala told Congress the administration was satisfied that the programs met one of those criteria -- determining that the programs do indeed diminish the spread of HIV. Until yesterday, the administration had said it remained uncertain on the question of whether exchanges inadvertently contribute to increased drug use, despite six major reviews of the research literature, including one by NIH last year, that found they do not. Shalala's announcement was derided immediately by major AIDS organizations. "It is like saying, 'We acknowledge the world is not flat, but we are not going to give Columbus the money for the ships,' " said Daniel Zingale, executive director of AIDS Action. "It's helpful to get the scientific obstacles out of the way once and for all," said Peter Lurie, a University of Michigan AIDS researcher, "but absent the federal funding, it's unlikely the programs will expand to meet the tremendous need." But the political dangers of expressing support for the programs, much less allowing federal money to be used for them, were quickly evident. Determining that the programs work "is an intolerable message that it's time to accept drug use as a way of life," said Sen. John D. Ashcroft (Mo.), one of several congressional Republicans who denounced the administration's decision. Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.), introduced a bill yesterday that would prevent the HHS secretary from ever lifting the ban. © Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company