Source: European, The Contact: Pubdate: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 Newshawk Note: 'Fag' is slang for cigarette TOBACCO DEBATE DRAGS ON Could an imminent European ban on tobacco advertising yet go up in smoke? The environment committee of the European Parliament this week debates the final form of the proposed directive, which would oblige countries to introduce a general ban on tobacco advertising within three years, although newspapers will be allowed to carry cigarette adverts for another year and sponsorship of sporting and arts events will be given a further two years' grace. Tobacco industry lobbyists were given a fag-end of hope last week when the European Parliament's legal affairs committee voted 12 to seven that the EU institutions were exceeding their remit in imposing the ban, which is based on an article of the EU's governing treaty, supposed to ensure the smooth functioning of the single market. Opponents say the ban's true purpose is the protection of health, which should be left to national governments. The anti-smoking lobby argues that the legal basis for the directive is sound and has been backed by the experts of the European Commission, Palriament and the Council of Ministers. Even if, as expected, the full Parliament supports the ban unamended in three week's time and it becomes law, it looks likely to be taken to the European Court of Justice, either by the governments of Germany or Austria or whomever else the tobacco industry can find to help.