Source: The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense

Dear Newshawks and Readers:

With our increased staff of editors posting the news, we now hope to
encourage additional newshawking. In the weeks ahead we will be providing
information on under newshawked sources.

But first, we would like you, if you are newshawking specific newspapers or
other sources on a very regular basis, to let us know so that we do not
encourage newshawking of already covered sources. Yes, we do know which
newspapers many of you follow, but would still like you to drop us a note
confirming your intent to follow specific sources.  Please just send me a
note at If we should find that two or more of you are trying to follow the same
source, we will let you each know so that you may decide between you who
should make the effort. Every time we see the same article posted by
several good folks, we wish there was an easy way to preclude the extra
work. So maybe we can, if you respond, help to reduce some of the duplicate

Thank you! Who would have guessed a year ago that, because of your efforts,
one article posted at a time, we would have a database of some 10,000
articles used by researchers worldwide! You made it happen, Newshawks!

Richard Lake 
Senior Editor; MAPnews, MAPnews-Digest and DrugNews-Digest
email:   subscription information see:

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Checked-by: Richard Lake