Source: The New York Times
Section: National Page
Pubdate: THURSDAY, 11 June 1998
Editors Note: The 1/4th page ad, below, provides an opportunity for action.
Please call every book store in your phone book and ask if they have DRUG
CRAZY in stock. Tell them you saw a large ad for it in the NYT today. If
they say 'no' tell them that you are trying to find several copies for
friends, but that you will call around to see if anyone else has it in
stock before considering a special order. This takes only a little time,
and may encourage stores to stock and display it.  This is what I plan to
do. A review of DRUG CRAZY is online at:


A President and his general locked in a failed policy, unwilling to admit
the war cannot be won.  Lives lost. Billions wasted. Sound familiar?

As General Barry McCaffrey, the drug czar, calls for more troops and more
weapons, the dispatches from the front tell us we’re still losing the war
in spite of the body count.

If people aren’t in the streets yet, they may be after they read "Drug Crazy"

In 1978, Mike Gray wrote "The China Syndrome," the movie that blew the lid
off the nuclear power industry.  Now, "Drug Crazy" is about to do the same
thing to the war on drugs.


"Anyone who thinks the war on drugs is succeeding should read this book."
Milton Friedman

"Gray brings a filmic sense of drama and action to a gritty, scorching look
at the failure of America’s war on drugs." Publishers Weekly

"It shifts the burden of proof from the critics of existing policy to its
defenders. No mean feat!" Elliott Richardson

"This is a book that every American should read and take seriously." George

Paid for by Common Sense for Drug Policy, Kevin Zeese, President. 
Common Sense for Drug Policy, 3619 Tallwood Terrace, Falls Church, Va 22041
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Checked-by: Richard Lake