Pubdate: Tuesday, 16 June 1998
Source: Die Tageszeitung
Mail: taz, die tageszeitung., Postfach 610229, 10923 Berlin 
Translation by: Susanne Schardt
Editors note: We thank our newshawk and translator for providing us items.
We very much appreciate it as translating is a very time consuming effort.
But without items like this many would not be aware of the very different
state of harm reduction efforts in Germany. Die Tageszeitung is a respected
left of center national newspaper in Germany.


[followed by photos of the following people plus a statement from them:]

Horst Kruse, Police chief Bielefeld: "Traditional drug policy has failed. I
believe, heroin provieded by the state will initiate a change. Like it is
in Zurich. Where drug addicts do not have to spend their time with chasing
after drugs. Acquisitive criminality and offences form 20% of the all
criminal offences which could then be curbed as well as social and health
depravation. The problem of addiction would, of course, remain the same,
but this is not to be solved by police efforts anyway."

Hans Dieter Klosa, police chief Hannover: "Since I started my work as
police chief in Hannover, I voted for giving heroin to long term drug
addicts. Traditional drug policy has lead us into a dead-end street. What
we have to combat most nowadays is acquisitive criminality. But we cannot
just accept that this forms such a large percentage of all criminal
offences. Today, 60% of all robberies are committed by drug addicts - and
that is only because of the wrong policy."

Volker Haas, police chief, Stuttgart: "Drug demand reduction can only be
effective, if we reduce the demand of drugs with the help of providing
medical care for drug addicts. A legal frame and a policy that demands
hundreds of drug deaths per year does not serve human rights and has to be
changed." ( Haas has faced a number of serious problems because of his
point of view. He does not speak out in public about this topic any more,
but "I certainly have not changed my mind about this." )

Dierk Henning Schnitzler, police chief, Bonn: "No matter how much
repression we use - we will not be able to destroy the drug market. Instead
we rather increase drug prices. It is a question of humanity to help drug
addicts, because they suffer from a serious desease. Methadone can curb the
withdrawal syndromes, but it does not solve the actual problem. With the
controlled prescription of clean drugs, our society can lead drug addicts
back into a decent life."

Ernst Uhrlau, police chief Hamburg: "Together with the putting in force
legal regulations for the medically controlled heroin prescription to long
term drug users, also consumer rooms with a clearly defined legal status
will provide a necessary tool in curbing the depravation and
marginalisation of drug users and leads them away from open drug scenes. It
also gets them into contact with therapeutic and social aid."

Manfred Rommel (CDU), former mayor of Stuttgart: "Prosecution is no
sufficient measure of drug policy. We have to try and get into contact with
drug users and to persuade them to become abstinent. But we also have to
think about whether it is not better to give them heroin instead of letting
them steal and die in our streets. The Swiss model should be introduced in
Germany also."

Gerhard Sailer (CDU), Lord mayor of Karlsruhe: "I support the initiative of
several large Germany cities that have passed the "resolution of Karlsruhe"
that votes for a more humane drug policy and the implementation of heroin
prescription under state control. We must not leave any measures out in
trying to reduce the suffering of drug users and in diminishing the
burdening effects of the drug problem for society. Drug help is not a good
issue for exceeding in ideological debates."

Ulrich Goll (FDP), Minister of Justice of the State of Baden-Crttemberg: "A
reform of drug policy is necessary both for humanitarian and safety
reasons. The Swiss experience with heroin prescription and consumer rooms
have shown that both the social stability of drug users can be increased
and petty crime can be curbed. We have to achieve the necessary freedom for
German cities to find alternative ways in tackling drug related problems."

Heribert Tallmair, President of the German council of Municipalities and
regions: "We want to try and break the viscous circle of drug consumption
with the help of pilot projects in prescribing original drugs to drug
addicts. The German council of Municipalities and regions calls upon the
Federal government, the Federal states, and the social welfare
organisations not to endanger the welfare and treatment services by a
cutting of financial means and to ensure a wide-spread substitution

Dieter Thomae (FDP), chairman of the Health committee of the German
Bundestag (Parliament): "If there is no other help available, the medically
controlled prescription of substitute or original substances can be
necessary for the treatment of crisis intervention - as a last link in a
chain of therapeutic measures. But I would like to emphasise: the
prescription of heroin can only be done under strictly controlled
circumstances - and only if methadone treatment is not applicable."

Rolf Huellinghorst, Deutsche Haupstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren (German
office against dangers of addiction): The repertoire of helping measures
must be complemented by heroin prescription and the intravenous use under
medical control. I favour medical prescription of heroin, but only under
strict surveillance."

Sabine Leutheusse-Schnarrenberger (FDP), former Federal Minister of
Justice: "Repressive drug policy has failed. The 'swing-door-effect"
between police station, justice system and street does not lead to any
improvement of the situation - neither for the drug user nor for society as
a whole. This is why we demand a fourth pillar in drug policy: harm
reduction, survival help. This implies both the creation of a legal basis
for so-called consumer rooms and the controlled prescription of heroin as
in the Swiss model."

Karsten Vilmar, president of the Federal chamber of physicians: "The
chamber of physicians welcomes the changing of the German narcotics laws
with the aim to enlarge the spectrum of helping measures. The prerequisite
for a prescription of heroin to drug addicts are: a long-term chronic
opiate addiction, several failed therapies, the acute danger of a damage of
health or social depravation, scientific surveillance and measures to stop
additional use of other drugs."

Petra Roth (CDU), Lord mayor of the city of Frankfurt: "Methadone
programmes and consumer rooms along with the abstinence oriented therapies
have lead to an improvement of the health and social conditions of
long-term drug users, but also to an improvement of the security in our
city. Since 1991 the number of drug related deaths has decreased from 147
to 22 in 1997."

Albrecht Glaser (CDU), treasurer and health councillor of the city of
Frankfurt: "We want to reduce suffering. The Swiss model has been basically
positive: the prescription of heroin has proved to be a first step into a
therapeutic process - that is why I support this model." 
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Checked-by: Richard Lake