Pubdate: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 Source: The Examiner (Ireland) Contact: Oliver Neff CANNABIS ONLY DANGEROUS DUE TO PROHIBITION ASK yourself; What do you really know about Cannabis? Unfortunately many people have a very negative opinion on this subject, but why? A lot of these opinions are blindly formed due to illegality and public condemnation. Even though many facts about cannabis have been proven, groups such as the Gardai still insist that their often false and narrow minded views are correct. Let us compare things to alcohol. If the Government decided tomorrow to make alcohol illegal, I could guarantee public uproar throughout the country. Did you know that alcohol is more harmful than Cannabis? Think about it, how many deaths are there in Ireland each year due to alcohol, be it drunk-driving or alcohol related illness? How many families have been destroyed and women battered by alcoholic husbands? Do we ever hear of deaths or violence in homes due to Cannabis? The prohibition of growing Cannabis is ridiculous. Plants were created to grow, it is nature, we do not have the right to outlaw this. Just because we know that Cannabis can be used as a narcotic, doesn't mean it is the only plant that can be used for this purpose. In fact, there are plants all over the country that have this potential usage. I also was surprised to find out that lettuce could be used as a drug. If lettuce is left to over-ripen, a white sap begins to form in the main stalk. This sap contains opium, which is the ground basis of heroin. What is the Government going to do next, outlaw lettuce? Ireland, having one of the highest numbers of asthmatics in Europe should especially consider legislation of Cannabis. In Switzerland in the town of Illighausen, Max Haberlin, a chronic asthmatic, got the idea when his asthma cleared up from working in the fields. People basically get this natural treatment while sleeping, no need for inhalers or chemicals. The Chinese already used cannabis over 6,000 years ago as a medicine against conditions such as beriberi, malaria, mental problems and female problems. Legislation would be of benefit in various ways. This versatile plant could create jobs as over 50,000 different products can be produced from it. Things such as: food, paper, cosmetics and clothing. Sale of Cannabis in shops would prevent young people from coming in contact with dangerous drugs such as ecstasy and heroin from dealers. Cannabis is not a gateway drug. The Government is playing its cards poorly. They are doing the dealers a favour by artificially making it a gateway drug, through prohibition. I believe that Cannabis is over rated by public opinion, lack of knowledge being the main culprit. It is time for people to learn the truth about Cannabis; it is not a dangerous substance but rather a plant that can be of benefit to all of us and in many ways. Its culture reaches far beyond six millennia. It was only after World War II that the Americans prohibited it in Europe during its restructuring, in the Marshall Plan. Oliver Neff, Belleview, Myrtleville, Co Cork. - --- Checked-by: "Rolf Ernst"