Pubdate: Sun, 12 Jul 1998
Source: Scotland on Sunday

In the light of the tragic and avoidable suicides in a Scottish prison over
the past fortnight, may I suggest the following to Henry McLeish and Donald

1. A full, proper and independent inquiry into the eight suicides at
Cornton Vale Women's Prison (since 1995) - and the many other unnecessary
and preventable suicides in the male prisons over recent times as well.

2. Close Cornton Vale for good ASAP. Local bail hostels with properly
trained psychiatric nursing staff are undoubtedly the best alternative -
and more humane.

3. Cease sending mentally ill and drug-dependent people to prison (where
surveys show the mentally ill represent 66% of remand prisoners and 39% of
sentenced prisoners).

4. Increase the supply of secure psychiatric beds.

5. Change mental health and practice (1984 Mental Health Act) so that
mentally ill people unconscious of their illness are not denied
hospitalisation or medication because they do not ask for it.

6. Insist that all criminal justice and mental health agencies demonstrate
a consistent high standard duty of care to mentally ill and drug-dependent
people for whom they have responsibility - and that they are held to public
account when those vulnerable people die whilst in their care.

I sincerely hope the above suggestions are implemented ASAP so as to
prevent yet another avoidable, unnecessary and tragic suicide.

A N Gray, Edinburgh

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