Pubdate: Fri 24 July, 1998 
Source: Daily Telegraph (Australia) 

IN FIGHTING the drug menace we have to be open to innovation and look at
anything that offers hope. However, I believe the proposed system of drug
courts (Daily Telegraph, July 23) raises more questions than it offers

Firstly, there are insufficient detoxification and rehabilitation places for
those who voluntarily seek treatment, with waiting lists extending up to
three months at some centres.

Secondly, it is commonly accepted that people cannot be forced into
treatment for any illness and, therefore, it is hard to accept the supposed
success rate of 96 per cent.

Voluntary treatments have a success rate of around 10 per cent on average so
it is difficult to see an achievement of better than this in a compulsory

Real innovation would be to take drug use completely out of the crime area
and put it where it belongs - in the health sector.

Tony Trimingham Family Drug Support Willoughby 

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Checked-by: Melodi Cornett