Source: Oakland Tribune Pubdate: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 Contact: (1) Stuart Pederson, (2) Gerald M. Sutliff Letter #1 DESTRUCTIVE HABIT OF DAN LUNGREN We need to educate Attorney General Dan Lungren about the difference between education and making up negative messages about something you don't like. Perhaps that might shed some light why he still needs ever increasing amounts of money to keep doing what he always does while things get worse. His is probably the most expense destructive habit of all of them. Stuart Pederson, Oakland - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------- Letter # 2 DRUG ADS WON'T HELP Kudos for your editorial doubting the wisdom and effectiveness of the planned media campaign targeting teenagers. The stated intent is to warn youth off of drugs - not drugs mind you, only "Illegal" ones. Who decided what shall be illegal? Not scientists and doctors, but congressmen and unemployed alcohol prohibition law enforcement agents. Sadly, the ads themselves will be nothing more than reflections of the "reefer madness" images and half-truths residing in the minds of those controlling the money spigot. Gerald M. Sutliff Emeryville - --- Checked-by: "Rich O'Grady"