Pubdate: 03 August, 1998
Source: U.S. News and World Report
Contact:  Paul Glastris with Kenneth T. Walsh, Ronald Browstein, Ted Gest,
Jonah Blank, Gary Cohen, Major Garrett, David Makovsky and Linda Robinson


There's only one word to describe the agents who have been assigned to the
new "safe houses" set up in various Mexican cities by the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration: brave. American and Mexican agents will work
together to try to bring down the infamous Mexican drug cartels. But the
traffickers seem already to have found out where the safe houses are, and,
says a U.S. government official, "I'm assuming they know who our agents are.
Another problem: The Mexican government won't let U.S. drug agents in Mexico
carry arms.

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Checked-by: "Rolf Ernst"