Source: Express (Nelson, B.C., Canada) Contact1: 554 Ward Street, Nelson, B.C., Canada V1L 1S9 Pubdate: 12 Aug 1998 Author: Murray Greig MOBILE NEEDLE EXCHANGE NELSON - The ANKORS needle exchange program will launch a mobile service throughout the West Kootenay-Boundary on Aug. 17. The program already has two fixed sites, at the Access Alcohol and Drug Service office in Nelson and Trail Community Counselling services. The mobile service will initially be provided through regular stops along three routes: 1) Balfour-Kaslo-Edgwood-Playmor; 2) Trail-Rossland-Rock Creek-Castlegar; and 3) Trail-Salmo-Ymir-Nelson-Slocan Park, with service to most of the smaller communities in between. "With this, the exchange program becomes part of a comprehensive approach to the prevention of HIV among people who inject drugs, and the community as a whole," said ANKORS needle exchange coordinator Alexander Lich. The new service emphasizes what Lich calls "harm reduction philosophy." "Harm reduction can be defined as a set of strategies and tactics that encourage people who inject drugs to reduce the harm done to themselves and their communities by their behavior," he said. "By providing users the means with which to become healthier, we recognize their desire to protect themselves, their loved ones and their communities. By treating them with dignity and respect, we are also seeking to build the self-esteem that may enable them to eventually consider seeking recovery from their injection drug use." The ANKORS needle exchange program initially provides a kit to people making their first visit to an exchange site. The kit contains a small number of syringes, bleach, water, alcohol wipes, condoms and safe sex information. "One of the program goals is to collect as many used syringes as new ones goven out, so the program will not increase the total number of discarded syringes," said Lich. "Needle exhange programs save lives cost-effectively. While a new needle costs about ten cents, the lifetime cost of treating a person with AIDS starts at approximately $165,000." For more information about specific locations and times for the mobile service, call 505-5506. Out of town, call 1-800-421-2437. - --- Checked-by: Mike Gogulski