Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: Website: Pubdate: 14 Aug 1998 DAVIS AND LUNGREN PANDERING ON CRIME Editor -- After watching the Lungren-Davis debate, I am now more worried than ever about the state of California's politics. To watch two intelligent, articulate men try to gain favor by promising to kill more of our population than the other was downright silly. Even more disgusting was the suggestion of Mr. Davis that ``Singapore is a good place to start'' from a law enforcement perspective. I, for one, do not want to live in a place where one is arrested for having chewing gum or spitting in the street. Where people are publicly beaten for things such as petty vandalism. No, thank you. Mr. Lungren promises to step up the war on drugs, but after his Omnibus Crime Prevention Act of 1984 (which introduced the country to no-knock searches, anonymous informants, pretrial asset seizure and greatly increased wiretaps and other practices) I'm afraid to ask what he means. So please, gentleman. Why don't you worry about helping the people, not jailing them? JASON RUBADEAU Calistoga - --- Checked-by: willtoo