Source: Des Moines Register Section: Books & Art Contact: Website: Fax: (515) 286-2511 Pubdate: Sunday, 19 July 1998 Author: Reviewed by Paul Rosenberg Note: Paul Rosenberg is a Los Angeles writer and founder of Reason and Democracy, an organization that advocates democratic values and the promotion of cultural diversity. STRAIGHT THINKING ABOUT DRUGS Perhaps if we'd listen and learn for once, history would stop repeating itself. That's the hope nurtured by Mike Gray's succinct, yet sweeping, survey, "Drug Crazy: How We Got Into This Mess & How We Can Get Out." The parallels between the failures of Prohibition and drug prohibition are striking, yet we've managed to set this obvious, ominous lesson aside even as more and more people grow disillusioned with the futility and failure of the war on drugs. "Drug Crazy" should end this avoidance while highlighting a range of other follies we've been repeating for more than 80 years: race-based drug hysterias and phony quick-fixes plus scientific studies ignored, successful non-punitive alternatives suppressed, constitutional protections undermined, criminal empires empowered and ever-harder drugs ever more available. Drugs' Spawn Just as Prohibition gave birth to organized crime in America and the corruption of law that went with it, Gray points out, drug prohibition has given birth to hemispheric organized crime, infiltrating the governments of Colombia and Mexico at the highest levels and corrupting law enforcement across our country. We're still arrogant enough to ignore what's happened in Colombia and Mexico (forgetting Chicago in the '20s) just as we ignore the opposite threat - the relentless erosion of our constitutional rights. In a scant 200 pages, Gray's vivid narrative (he's a screenwriter, producer and documentarian) smashes through our habitual acceptance of the drug war's self-serving rhetoric, leaving the reader feeling suddenly sober, as if waking from an ancient trance. The heart of "Drug Crazy" is a brief history of drug prohibition, tracing the influence of a few zealous - and amazingly ignorant or deceitful men. * There was Hamilton Wright, who built the international edifice of drug laws on the illusion "that the United States not only had an opium problem, but that it was worse than China's" in 1909, just as drugs and alcohol reached a low ebb of respectability and use. Building on this prototypical scare campaign, Wright took the drug war's first shot at the Constitution by crafting the Harrison Act of 1914 as a tax law (circumventing the 10th Amendment's limit on federal police powers) while gaining Southern support for this intrusion on "states rights" by playing up the myth of the "drug-crazed Nigger." * There was Charles Towns, whose quack claim of a quick cure for addiction permanently hardened America's attitude toward addicts - though 10 years later the first follow-up study discredited him entirely. * And there was Harry J. Anslinger, who first fought against taking on marijuana enforcement, because eradication would be impossible - he said it grew "like dandelions." He changed his mind when he realized it could be used to scare up state and local law enforcement support. This history would be a comedy of errors, if not for its tragic consequences. Common Sense But there were also people of common sense and uncommon courage. Dr. Willis Butler was a public health official in Shreveport, La., in 1919 who prescribed maintenance levels of drugs to incurable addicts as part of a program that cut crime and won praise from local law enforcement, until the Feds shut him down. Pauline Morton Sabin was a Republican blueblood whose 1.5 million-member Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform broke the spell of moral hypocrisy, ushering in the end of Prohibition. With that base of support, her logic finally got through: "Before the Volstead Act her children had no access to alcohol, now they could get it anywhere. Tucked in along the way are a string of studies, buried and forgotten because they contradicted drugwar propaganda, and mounting violations of the Constitution, culminating in drug-forfeiture laws (where you have to prove your innocence to get your property back), and the case of millionaire recluse Don Scott, shot dead in his mountain-top home by police in a fruitless drug raid motivated by the desire to seize his land. Focusing on the growing power of multi-billion-dollar drug cartels, Gray paints a chilling picture of the inexorable destruction of civil society on two fronts. However, there's a bright side to history repeating itself. Prohibition ended, making it possible for states to regulate alcohol, adopting policies to discourage hard liquor, which had flourished as never before during Prohibition. Likewise Gray argues, ending drug prohibition won't mean surrendering to drugs, but adopting more varied, more specifically targeted, non-punitive approaches far more likely to reduce the more dangerous forms of drug use, and guaranteed to halt the growth of worldwide criminal organizations, police corruption and the erosion of our Constitutional rights. In the past, drug-war critics were automatically accused of every evil under the sun. Now "Drug Crazy" soberly calls the drug warriors to account for the havoc they've wrought in the name of saving us from ourselves. Demon-haunted men hunt their demons in others. It's time to hold them responsible. - --- Checked-by: Richard Lake