Pubdate: Friday, August 14, 1998
Source: The Sudbury Star (Canada)
Contact:  This LTE is in response to Canadian Health Minister Allan Rock's refusal
to allow a dying man access to medicinal marijuana.


Dear Editor:

Health Minister Allan Rock has wed himself to Reefer Madness lies and to hell
with the science and medical evidence that marijuana is an effective

The only reason anybody questions the medical utility of marijuana is because
of a 70-year blizzard of deception, dissembling and propaganda from crooked
government officials.

Or is Rock so ignorant that he doesn't know that marijuana was a valid
prescription medication in the United States until 1969.

Obviously, Rock has not kept up with the dozens of peer reviewed studies in
last 15 years proving the efficacy of cannabis for everything from asthma
relief to preventing lethal nausea from chemotherapy.

Canada cannot afford to have a person such as Rock, who substitutes Reefer
Madness fiction for medical knowledge regulating the health matters of the
entire nation.

Redford Givens
San Francisco

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Checked-by: Ghamal de la Guardia