Pubdate: Thu, 20 Aug 1998
Source: Hartford Courant (CT)


SEYMOUR - A ban on teenage smoking that pushed the limits of local
anti-tobacco legislation in the state this year and divided neighbors in
the small New Haven County community was felled in a forced referendum

Residents voted 1,366-545 to overturn the ban.

``We got our town back,'' said Mary Adamowski, in a voice strained by weeks
of protest against the ban.

For a month, a small group of protesters led by Adamowski collected
signatures, addressed officials at town meetings and knocked on doors in an
effort to overturn what they called ``an infringement on civil liberties.''

The Seymour smoking ban became an immediate focus of attention for local
legislators after it was passed in July. The town was the first in the
state to place an outright ban on smoking in public for anyone under 18.

The ordinance was modeled on a similar law in Alvin, Texas, a tiny town
whose municipal officials have publicized their success on the Internet.
Alvin officials estimate their law has reduced teen smoking by as much as
20 percent in three years.

The Alvin law, and other teenage smoking bans that have sprouted up in
small communities across the country, have been praised by anti-tobacco
crusaders. But soon after Seymour First Selectman John O'Toole celebrated
the passage of the town's ban, local critics began to emerge.

``I don't know where they came from,'' said O'Toole, the outspoken town
official credited with being the ban's most forceful sponsor. ``A fair
amount of them are the types who, when their kids get caught doing
something wrong, say `not my baby.' ''

But many of the parents who cast votes against the ban Wednesday said
O'Toole was as wrong as the ordinance.

``This is all about parental authority,'' said Barbara Zanowiak, a Seymour
mother of four - including two teenagers - who voted against the ordinance.
``As far as I know, my teenagers don't smoke, but I think it's my job to
worry about it. I know it's difficult to raise children, but the town and
the police shouldn't be doing it for me.''

The ordinance said children caught smoking in public would be issued a
warning and their parents would be notified. A second offense would carry a
$20 fine and require enrollment in smoking cessation classes. A third
offense would draw a $50 fine and more classes.

``It's lunacy,'' said Adamowski, who quit smoking 10 years ago after a
life-threatening bout with pneumonia. ``It was my personal choice.
Officials in Seymour don't know what personal choice means. The
Constitution doesn't mean two cents in this town.''

Yet health officials stand by their initial endorsements of the ordinance.
John Sponauer, director of the Valley Substance Abuse Action Council, said
he hopes Seymour's failed attempt doesn't discourage other towns from
addressing teen smoking.

``When it comes to smoking, there's this big loophole,'' Sponauer said.
``With alcohol, underage kids can't buy it, possess it or use it. Underage
kids can't buy cigarettes, why do we let them smoke?''

But some said the outcome of Wednesday's vote is of little relevance to the
teens who light up outside the fast-food joints and the town pool hall
every night.

``Whenever we see cops, we stamp the butts out,'' said Christa Lydem, 17.
``Just like some of my friends stamp them out when they see their parents.
We're not going to stop doing that. We're not going to stop smoking

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