Pubdate: September 22, 1998 Source: MSNBC Spokane WA KHQ Contact: Website: Author: Beverly Carr STATE AGENCIES LAUNCHING ANTI-DRUG WEBSITE SPOKANE, September 22 - The numbers are frightening. Between 1992 and 1995, the use of marijuana by eighth graders in the United States nearly tripled. Figures indicate Washington state is leading the nation in that trend, and surveys estimate that in this state, approximately 10,000 more eighth graders were smoking marijuana during that time. The Lieutenant Governor's office and the Northwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area team have launched a website to help curb the growth. The 'M-Files' is a page filled with information about marijuana and its dangers. The layout is designed to attract the younger computer user, and is written in a style that teens, teachers and parents can understand. To find it, click on the address below. Anti-drug page aimed at teens - --- Checked-by: Richard Lake