Source: Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY)
Pubdate: Sun, 27 Sep 1998
Author: WALTER F. WOUK, Howes Cave


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the poet and philosopher, said, "There is
nothing more disgusting than ignorance in action." The recent vote in
favor of House Joint Resolution 117 is disgusting - and it is clearly
"ignorance in action."

Passed 310-93 on Sept. 16, with no public hearings, it is not a new
law. It's simply a "sense of the Congress" resolution to the effect
that Congress believes marijuana to be dangerous and addictive, and
that Congress is unequivocally opposed to the legalization of
marijuana for medical use.

There is no legitimate rationale for this resolution. It's a classic
case of "reefer madness." Rep. Bill McCollum, (R-Fla.) who sponsored
the resolution, cannot cite one credible scientific study that proves
marijuana is "dangerous and addictive." Neither can area congressmen
Sherwood Boehlert, Michael McNulty and Jerry Solomon, who voted in
favor of it.

The myth that marijuana is "dangerous and addictive" is used to
justify the legal persecution of individuals who use marijuana. It is
used to justify the seizure of people's homes, cars and other personal
property. It is used to deny sick people legal access to a drug that
has recognized medicinal value. And, of course, it is used to get
politicians elected.

WALTER F. WOUK, Howes Cave - The writer is the Schoharie chapter
president of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana

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Checked-by: Rich O'Grady