Pubdate: 15 October 1998 Source: New York Times (NY) Contact: Copyright: 1998 The New York Times Company Author: Diana Jean Schemo RIGHTS REPORT BLAMES PARAMILITARY FORCES IN COLOMBIA VIOLENCE BOGOTA, Colombia -- As gruesome and dependent on army officers' connivance as it was, the ravaging of the town of Mapiripan was unique only in the size of the operation and the logistics involved, a report by a human rights group says. Right-wing paramilitary troops arrived on a charter flight at San Jose del Guaviare airport, which shares an airstrip with a U.S.-financed anti-narcotics base. Colombian soldiers usually record the arrivals, but that day they waved the visitors through, said the report, by Human Rights Watch/Americas. The study catalogs the massacre at Mapiripan, in July 1997, and dozens of other incidents. After having passed several checkpoints unimpeded, the paramilitary forces reached Mapiripan, torturing and killing at least 14 peasants accused of organizing protests against the aerial spraying of drug crops, witnesses told government investigators. Two men were decapitated, their heads kicked like soccer balls down the street, the report says. The body of another was hanged and quartered. A local judge who called the military base and police station at San Jose eight times for help during the five-day siege was ignored. Soon after the action, residents fled, joining 1.2 million refugees from the longest-running guerrilla war in Latin America. The wide-ranging report issued in Bogota says the violence once largely committed by the military has been taken over by right-wing paramilitary forces. But the ties between the two are so close that they may as well be one, the report says. "Although the government and Colombia's military leaders deny that they promote or even tolerate paramilitaries, abundant evidence is consistent and terrifying," said the 222-page report, which was issued here a few days ago. Two civilians and two army officers have been arrested for the massacre, though witnesses said 200 people carried out the attack. The report also details torture, murder and mutilation by the three leftist rebel groups. Like the military and the paramilitary forces, the rebels unilaterally designate civilians as "military objectives," the report said, and commit most kidnappings. Last year the conflict killed 2,183 people, including rebels, soldiers and civilians. The report was issued as the United States kick-starts military aid, which it cut severely in 1994 over human rights concerns, and as a new president, Andres Pastrana, prepares for talks with the rebels. The chief of military forces, Gen. Fernando Tapias, said the military had no policy of violating human rights and that it was committed to prosecuting cases of collusion with paramilitary forces. The human rights report details many examples of army connivance with paramilitary death squads and of top army commanders, including Gen. Manuel Jose Bonett, former chief of the combined armed forces, thwarting investigations. "The army's use and tolerance of paramilitaries has not reduced the overall number of violations recorded in Colombia or their effect," the report said. "Yet it has allowed high-ranking officers to claim that soldiers are directly implicated in fewer abuses than in years past." Bonett did not answer repeated requests for comment. The government says it is trying to stamp out the paramilitary groups. In December 1996 it announced a $1 million reward for the capture of the top paramilitary leader, Carlos Castano, who says he has army protection. - --- Checked-by: Rich O'Grady