Pubdate: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Contact: Copyright: 1998 Mercury Center Author: Christopher Ivicevich, Sunnyvale LOWER THE DRINKING AGE KUDOS to the Mercury News for opposing legislation that would enable universities to notify parents when under-21 Johnny or Jane partook of the forbidden nectar (``Congress tries to turn colleges into tattletales,'' Opinion, Oct. 7). Unfortunately, however, the Mercury News does not comment on the root of the problem: the nation's liquor laws. The legal minimum drinking age of 21 is both an injustice and a farce. It is unjust because the age of majority, when a minor becomes an adult, is 18. Society expects the 18-20 age-set to assume all of the responsibilities of adulthood, but withholds the right to consume alcoholic beverages. The drinking age is a farce because it is blatantly ignored by college students, administrators and police alike. Enforcement is arbitrary. College students are not merely older high school students. It is time we as a society recognize college students as full-fledged adults, with all of the reciprocal responsibilities and rights. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 (and enforced uniformly) and each university afforded the prerogative of establishing its own policies concerning alcohol. Responsible consumption should be the goal, not puritanical prohibition. Grow up, America. - --- Checked-by: Don Beck