Source: The Hobart Mercury
Contact:  Australian Associated Press
Pubdate: Thu, 15 Oct 1998


FOUR hundred kilos of heroin would amount to 3.2 million high-grade hits
for users if it made its way into the community, NSW Premier Bob Carr said

Quoting figures from the state Health Department, Mr Carr said this could
lead to another 75 deaths caused by heroin overdoses in NSW.

It also could create another 12,000 new hepatitis C cases with health care
costs of $180 million and 350 new HIV cases at a cost of $35 million, he

"The interception and the size of the alleged heroin seizure send a
chilling warning to this country and our Federal Government," he told

"More than ever, Australia is being targeted as a market for heroin."

"That's why, above all else, stopping heroin at the border is so vital."

He said 70 officers from the Asian Crime Special Services and State
Protection Groups of the NSW police service worked in the front line of the

The heroin seizure could be the tip of the iceberg of illegal drug trade
and highlighted the need for more federal funding to combat the problem,
the New South Wales Government said.

"It's about time the nation, that is the Federal Government, woke up that
we have a major problem," Police Minister Paul Whelan said.

Federal Justice Minister Amanda Vanstone congratulated the Australian
Federal Police, NSW Police and the Customs Service, which were all involved
in yesterday's operation.

The operation proved the effectiveness of the Government's Tough On Drugs
strategy, which put extra funds into Customs, AFP drugs strike teams and
international liaison, she said.

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Checked-by: Joel W. Johnson