Source: Independent, The (UK)
Copyright: . Published by Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Pubdate: Mon, 19 Oct 1998
Author: Paul Lashmar


A West Midlands drugs squad detective accused of selling heroin was able to
retire on grounds of stress and has received a UKP60,000 lump sum and an
enhanced index-linked pension.

Detective Constable Alan "Basher" Breakwell, 47, was to have faced a police
disciplinary hearing on other charges but took early retirement after
doctors said he was suffering from ill health.

Mr Breakwell was suspended in March 1996 as part of Operation Gunter, a
major anti-corruption inquiry. Three other drugs squad officers were sacked
from the force earlier this year after facing disciplinary hearings.

The West Midlands Police has a history of major corruption inquiries and 10
years ago its Serious Crimes Squad was closed down.

A BBC Panorama investigation to be shown tonight reveals that many of the
Operation Gunter allegations came from other serving police officers.

The programme also interviewed two of DC Breakwell's informers who claim
the detective asked them to sell heroin he provided on the streets. One
informer, Steve Russell, now serving a nine year sentence on unrelated
drugs offences, said he was asked to sell 25 ounces of heroin worth
UKP20,000 for Mr Breakwell.

The case prepared by Operation Gunter against Mr Breakwell, who had been in
the force for 29 years, was that he tried to steal money and that a
quantity of drugs in his possession had gone missing. As with the
allegations against the three other officers, the Crown Prosecution Service
decided not to institute criminal charges.

The CPS said last night there was "no realistic prospect of conviction" of
any individuals investigated by Operation Gunter.

Mr Breakwell was ordered to attend a disciplinary hearing but was under so
much stress from the investigation that doctors judged him unfit to face
the tribunal. Under current regulations there is nothing West Midlands
Police can do to make him face a tribunal if he retires on the grounds of
ill health.

The Chief Constable of the West Midlands, Edward Crew, said he was
"offended" that DC Breakwell had been able to avoid the disciplinary
hearing: "It can't possibly be right that an officer who becomes ill,
genuinely or otherwise, after discovery of serious misbehaviour can be
perceived to have to have been rewarded for what he or she did.

"It isn't fair to the officer either. Mr Breakwell's never had these
allegations tested against him."

Mr Breakwell has refused to talk about the claims.

The Operation Gunter corruption inquiry, based at a West Bromwich police
station, was set up after worried officers in the drugs squad blew the
whistle on their colleagues three years ago. The man in charge of the
operation, Det Superintendent Mick Ferris, told the programme: "I've been a
detective for a number of years, a police officer for 25 years. I'd never
experienced these kind of allegations."

Detectives accused fellow officers of stealing drugs, drugs money and
informer's rewards. Suspects were also said to have had drugs planted on
them. Eight detectives came under suspicion.

After a two year investigation cases against a number of the accused
officers were sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions in 1997. But
after it was decided not to prosecute, West Midlands Police brought
disciplinary charges. The cases were heard in June before the Chief
Constable of Merseyside, Jim Sharples.

Det Sgt Dick Houston, 42, who had spent 18 years in the force, was charged
with stealing UKP100 cash. He was sacked for disreputable conduct, neglect
of duty and falsehood; Det Sgt Kim Robotham, who had spent 21 years on the
force, was accused of misappropriating a substance believed to be skunk

He too was sacked; and Det Insp Pat Sullivan, 41, who had 22 years police
service and was head of a drugs team, was dismissed for disreputable

The suspension of Mr Breakwell also led to two people accused of dealing in
drugs being cleared. Tracey Whelan, 30, a mother-of-four from Coventry,
went to court after DC Breakwell said he found cannabis in her house. She
was given a suspended two year sentence in 1996 but was cleared by the
Court of Appeal after claiming she had been framed.

A case against a third man for possession of cocaine collapsed when the
evidence disappeared. "We believe DC Breakwell was the last officer to have
the drugs," said Det Supt Ferris. "It was his case and had he not been
suspended he would have been the officer that would have been presenting
those drugs in court."

The sacked officers have announced they are appealing against the decision
and Mr Sullivan has told a local newspaper he is "totally innocent and
confident of being reinstated".

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Checked-by: Joel W. Johnson