Pubdate: Thu, 15 Oct 1998
Source: Hobart Mercury (Australia)
Page: 15
Copyright: News Limited 1998


ANY move to introduce random drug tests for mine workers will be
fought by the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.

A proposal to introduce drug and alcohol testing of underground mining
workers was mooted by tbe Australian Mines and Metals Association
state manager Bill Fitzgerald at a mines conference in Burnie on Monday.

Mr Fitzgerald said that following a recent mainland case be believed
employers had the right to begin testing.

But AMWU state secretary Geoff Adams said the issue was another way
for employers to exert power and control over workers through fear and

"If employers were genuinely serious about their duty of care they
would invite unions to participate in developing an appropriate drug
and alcohol policy in conjunction with other occupational health and
safety issues where the need was identified," Mr Adams said yesterday.

He said employers' success in developing occupational health and
safety policies was limited. The AMWU consistently received
applications for legal aid from its members to pursue claims against
employers for negligence.

Mr Adams said the AMWU was annoyed by the comments of minister Paul
Lennon in supporting the move without proper process.
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Checked-by: Patrick Henry