Source: Australian, The (Australia) Contact: Pubdate: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 Author: Claire Harvey ZERO TOLERANCE: HOWARD DECLARES WAR ON DRUGS JOHN HOWARD yesterday vowed to make fighting the "menace of drugs" a main priority in his Government's second term, with "zero tolerance" of drugs in schools. Reinforcing a stronger second-term focus on social issues, the Prime Minister said he was personally determined to combat the "human misery which is visited upon young lives by the abuse of drugs." But the Prime Minister's key advisory body on drugs has demanded a greater focus on rehabilitating drug users rather than conventional punishments. Drug abuse was "a tremendous challenge and threat to our very being as a society," Mr Howard said while announcing federal funding for a western Sydney youth refuge. "With the resources of the Government behind me I intend that during our second term one of the non-economic issues that we will do our level best to tackle is the drug menace." The sharper focus on drugs promises to be the most prominent social issue for the Government since the 1996 guns crackdown. Opening Dunlea, a converted convent in Merrylands which is part of the Youth Off the Streets strategy, Mr Howard repeated his post-election vow to broaden his vision. "I didn't only have in mind things like Aboriginal reconciliation, important though that is. "I also had very much in mind a broader social agenda that recognised that one of the responsibilities of the national government as well as a responsibility of state and local governments was to play its part in association with community organisations in tackling the great social problems of our age." The Australian National Council on Drugs yesterday urged governments to boost treatment and rehabilitation funding and alternative punishments for offenders. - --- Checked-by: Joel W. Johnson