Pubdate: Fri, 30 Oct 1998
Source: U.S. Newswire
Copyright: 1998, U.S. Newswire
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The move to legalize the medical use of marijuana continues to grow
across the nation. This move has been presented on ballots as
``medical'' marijuana. The Auxiliary to the National Medical
Association opposes the legalization of the medical use of marijuana
through a ballot initiative. Marijuana is an addictive drug. The
second-hand smoke properties of marijuana can adversely affect infants and
small children. The United States has invested time and energy
in removing alcohol, tobacco and other drugs from the hands of our
youth. What messages are we sending when we tell our children to ``say
no'' to drugs but yes to ``medical marijuana?''

The move to legalize the medical use of marijuana through a ballot
initiative does not allow for the properties of the addictive
substance to be tested by the Food and Drug Administration. No
safeguards have been established to ensure that the cultivation of
this product is consistent. No safeguards have been established to
ensure the purity of the substance. This lack of control can pose a
danger to those who ingest this substance.

In communities of color, drug abuse continues to be a threat to the
entire family. To legalize an addictive drug presents communities of
color with a larger threat. We cannot allow our families to continue
to be destroyed by addictive drugs that can be labeled as medication.
If you vote no for any reason, vote no to save our children, to save
our future.

The Auxiliary to the National Medical Association says ``Vote No to
the Legalization of Medical Marijuana.''

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The Auxiliary to the National Medical Association is a member service
organization with members throughout the continental United States and
the Virgin Islands. The mission of the ANMA is to improve the quality
of health care and to focus on the comprehensive health care needs of
African Americans and people of African descent.

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Checked-by: Rich O'Grady