Pubdate: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 Source: The Sun Herald Page: 74 Contact: Author: Henry Collier ARMY LOST ITS WAY THE Salvation Army is a fine institution, helping many people overcome difficulties in their lives. Why then does it insist on supporting and insisting on a policy on drugs and drug usage that has been demonstrated as ineffective, unworkable, expensive and counter-productive? Could it be because there is money in it to be obtained from other like-minded bigots? The latest rant about Ansett placing sharps containers on air-craft again illustrates that the Salvation Army is incapable of rational thought on issues of legal and/or illicit drugs- - As an insulin-dependent diabetic, I find the Salvation Army's response to the issue irresponsible and increasingly irrelevant to the solution to difficult problems. HENRY COLLIER Warilla - ---