Pubdate: 27 Feb 1999 Source: Lancet, The (UK) Contact: Author: Bebe Loff and Stephen Cordner Issue: Volume 353, Number 9154 START HEROIN TRIALS, URGES AUSTRALIAN POLITICIAN At the launch of new heroin overdose prevention and training strategies in Victoria, Australia, on Feb 18 the premier of Victoria, Jeff Kennett, lent his support to national heroin trials these involve the provision of heroin to users. Already, this year, 63 people have died from overdosing on heroin, outnumbering road-traffic fatalities as a cause of death in Victoria. The "Heroin Overdose Prevention Initiative" advises injecting drug-users to: avoid using heroin alone; not to combine heroin with other drugs or alcohol; and to test the dose. Users are also advised that their tolerance levels will be lower if they have not used heroin for a while. Kennett disagrees with Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, who reaffirmed his opposition earlier this year to trials despite an increase in drug-related deaths. Howard pointed to the success of his "Tough-on-Drugs" strategy which has produced a record number drug seizures. A National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre report, released on Feb 9, stated that heroin-related deaths have increased by 73% over the past decade. Kennett has called a meeting of premiers to discuss the issue of trials next week. - --- MAP posted-by: Mike Gogulski