Pubdate: Sun, 16 May 1999 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Copyright: 1999 Chicago Tribune Company Contact: Forum: Author: Carol Lewis STUDENTS FIGHT BAN ON COLLEGE FUNDS FOR DRUG OFFENDERS Opposition is growing on college campuses to a provision of the Higher Education Act that withholds federal financial aid from students convicted of selling or possessing drugs. Congress passed the provision in the fall to send a message to young drug users, but opponents say that it denies money to troubled students when they need it most to turn their lives around, that it fails to address drug intervention and education, and that it ignores other types of criminal behavior. Many college students are becoming aware of the provision but worry about its ramifications. "I am a little scared myself. I know how people's names get dropped, and they can get arrested," said Hunter Russell, a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas. "My main fear is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I could lose my financial aid. I'm pretty dependent on it." The provision, part of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1998, goes into effect in fall 2000 and denies grants, loans and work assistance to students convicted under federal or state law. Students can lose at least one year of financial aid for a drug possession conviction and at least two years for a conviction of selling drugs. Eligibility can be reinstated during the suspension if students complete rehabilitation and pass two random drug tests, but the law does not define rehabilitation, said Judy Schneider, assistant vice president and director of Student Financial Aid at the University of Texas at Arlington. "We are somewhat hopeful that Congress will address some of the questions and actually reverse its position and not tie financial aid to the issue," said Schneider, president of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. "We do not feel like it's an issue that should be tied to receiving financial aid." The opinion is shared by Drug Reform Coordination Network officials in Washington, who are trying to spread awareness of the provision through an online newsletter. Student leaders at 130 campuses are reviewing the provision to determine whether they will support a resolution to ask Congress to overturn it, said Adam Smith, the network's associate director. "The provision is a misguided way to fight the war on drugs," said Smith, who is helping students coordinate the campaign. "Given the racial disparity in drug law enforcement, this will inevitably have a discriminatory impact. It will deny education to those for whom it is most vital: the poor, the non-white and non-violent young people who have had previous contact with the criminal justice system and who are trying to turn their lives around." Reports of increasing drug arrests among college students have contributed to lawmakers' frustration, but their approach should have focused on intervention and treatment, said Irma P. Jones, coordinator of substance abuse prevention and vice president for student affairs at the University of North Texas. U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) gave the students' campaign a boost by introducing a bill to repeal the provision. But it most likely will be opposed by lawmakers such as House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas), who strongly supported the provision. "Every criminal who gets funding takes away from other students who need it," said Jim Wilkinson, Armey's press secretary. "There are so many kids in the inner city who do not have access to money for education who want to get out of their situations and to make something out of their lives. To think that some students get turned down because a drug dealer gets it is a big concern." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D