Pubdate: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 Date: 02/18/1999 Source: Tampa Tribune (FL) Author: Jerry Dycus What if 10,000 deaths a year could be stopped and major and minor crime could be cut by 50 percent? What if everyone could be given cheap or free medical care and we stopped drug dealers and cartels from making money, stopped gangs, cut medical cost 30 to 90 percent, stopped 10 million lives from being destroyed each year and could give a 25 percent tax cut to everyone? How, you ask? By making drug abuse a medical problem, not a criminal one. We are not stopping drug use anyway. There are too many hands in the pot. Money now going to drug dealers and cartels could be going to government-run facilities that would benefit everyone. The 25 percent tax cut would come from reductions in government medical costs, prisons, courts, lawyers, Drug Enforcement Administration cops, etc. Guess who is against this? The same people who would rather see people die than tell the truth and lose their jobs. We could have safer streets and 10 million new taxpayers to share the burden. Not bad for just giving Americans the freedom and health care they deserve without their going bankrupt or to jail. Will you or your son or daughter, be the next one trapped in the life- destroying machine of the drug laws, or will you choose the health care way? Please, let's have sane laws now. JERRY DYCUS, Riverview, FL