Pubdate: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 Date: 03/22/1999 Source: Calgary Sun (Canada) Author: Danny Terwey Note: Parethetical remark by the Sun editor; headline by hawk OFTEN, THE editorial remarks following letters to the editor seem hostile and ignorant. I'd like to protest one of the most recent. Scynthia Ross ended her letter with the statement: "The government has no right to dictate to adults what they can or can not put into their bodies." The reply was: "Yes they can, they do and they should. Care for some thalidomide, Scynthia? "For the record, I'd like to point out there are accepted beneficial uses for thalidomide ( leprosy, I believe). That it can result in birth defects simply rules out its use in cases where a pregnancy might be compromised. Should ignorant governments prevent legitimate use just because of potential misuse? Danny Terwey (Canada doesn't have a leprosy problem, Danny.)