Pubdate: Fri, 21 May 1999 Date: 05/21/1999 Source: Christian Science Monitor (US) Author: David W. Hilton Note: Here are 3 letters in response to the artivle of 5/19/99 entitled "Using Drugs To Rein In Boys" Your article gets to the heart of what has gone awry with raising children in America ("Using drugs to rein in boys," May 19). Congratulations on your courage in the face of what will undoubtedly become a hotly debated issue for the next several years. This problem - the bio-psychiatric redefinition of childhood - is wreaking havoc with our youth and creating significant confusion in the minds of children who need help with their growth and their social-spiritual unfolding. Substituting psychotropic medication for self-control, good gopental counseling and ethical, social, and community values is a serious mistake and is already diverting significant numbers of individuals from the kind of personal growth they must go through to successfully transition from childhood to adulthood. David W. Hilton Concord, N.H. Director, Office of Consumer Affairs New Hampshire Division of Behavioral Health