Pubdate: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 Date: 06/10/1999 Source: Vancouver Province (Canada) Author: Pat Dolan Authors: Pat Dolan He's Been "Deceived" By Anti-Drug "Propaganda" It is distressing to see someone as well-intentioned as George Chuvalo engaged in a mission that is doomed to be largely self-defeating. Like so many others, he has been deceived by a steady diet over the last 25 years of obfuscation, half-truths and down-right lies on the part of the prohibition lobby - a self-serving clique of police, press and politicians. The success of their propaganda campaign can be plainly seen in the Chuvalo story. George believes it was heroin that caused successive family tragedies. Wrong. The science is that life-long addiction to heroin and the opiates causes no observable deleterious effects. It is not heroin that causes addict fatalities. It is prohibition. Prohibition means there is no regulation of the product. Therefore, street heroin is adulterated heroin of uncertain strength and purity that can cause death. Pat Dolan, Vancouver