Pubdate: Sun, 19 Sep 1999
Date: 09/19/1999
Source: Charlotte Observer (NC)
Author: Danny Terwey

In response to "Column overstates penalty for crack cocaine use"
(Sept. 5 Forum):

When will Republicans such as Kenneth Bell learn that they gain no
support for their candidate just by hacking on a lame duck? Saying
that George W. Bush is better than Clinton improves him not one bit in
my mind.

I don't care whether the candidates tried drugs decades ago. I'm all
ears, however, when it comes to statements of policy. About drugs I
hear nothing but the same old song and dance. Most Republicans seem
too ignorant or greedy to speak out against prohibition. Bush, in
fact, is one of the most fierce drug warriors, incarcerating thousands
of Texans for possessing small amounts of cocaine. And that's why I
won't be voting for him.

Santa Cruz, Calif.