Pubdate: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 Date: 11/02/1999 Source: Baltimore Sun (MD) Author: Peter Stewart New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson Of New Mexico Is Spot On About Drug Legalization, As Our Own Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke Has Been ("Lonely stand for drug legalization," Oct. 24). The costs for law enforcement and imprisonment of the so-called "War on Drugs" are staggering. A conservative estimate would be in the tens of billions of dollars annually, and escalating. At the same time, funds for education, jobs for our youth, re-building our cities and other social enhancements are constantly being cut back. Suppose we call off the drug war -- and legalize drugs and tax them, just as we do with alcohol and tobacco. The billions wasted on efforts to control drug trafficking and punish offenders could be spent giving us a social structure the world would envy. Drug addicts need help. They don't need to be put in jail. The irony is that if drugs were legalized, there'd be money to help them. Peter Stewart Towson