Pubdate: Thu, 11 Nov 1999
Date: 11/11/1999
Source: Houston Press (TX)
Author: Lenicia Gordon
Authors: Lenicia Gordon

I was dumbfounded after reading the story by Melissa Hung about the
couple whose children were taken away because tests showed she and her
baby had some small amount of marijuana in their systems ["Reefer
Madness?" November 4]. It is hard to believe ridiculous things like
this still happen to people in this day and age.  While I myself do
not smoke pot, I have had two children, and near the end of my
pregnancies I did joyfully have an occasional glass of wine or
cocktail to help me relax.  I did enough research on drinking in
moderation while pregnant that I felt completely comfortable doing so,
and both of my children are beautiful, healthy and have no

While I understand that marijuana is illegal, I know (as well as most
intelligent, informed and contemporary humans do) that it has not been
proven to be any more harmful to us than alcohol, and most agree that
it is less harmful.

I feel sick for those two parents and for their precious children,
whom they obviously love very much.  To deprive that baby and his
mother of such important bonding time is criminal and wrong and is
completely lacking in both good judgement and justice.  I just hope
the people who made that decision can live with themselves, especially
when they look into the eyes of their own children who need them so

Lenicia Gordon,