Pubdate: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 Date: 12/13/1999 Source: Christian Science Monitor (US) Author: Stephen Young Revelations about mass graves in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, is a terrible reminder of how far some people are willing to go to maintain control over an incredibly profitable black market. ("A look inside a giant drug cartel," Dec. 8). The increased willingness of gangsters to use murder as a business tool was an unintended consequence of alcohol prohibition, just like the violence of today's illegal drug market is an unintended consequence of the drug war. In coming days, many politicians and commentators will be calling for a tough response to the grisly scene being uncovered in Ciudad Juarez. I hope citizens won't be fooled by a such a call for more of the same. The only way to stop such violence is to stop the drug war. Stephen Young Roselle, Ill.