Pubdate: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 Date: 12/17/1999 Source: Evening News (UK) Author: Hugh Robertson Sirs, I read your article "Black arrests cause concern" and was again reminded how frequently our human rights are abused in the name of the "war on drugs". The use of cannabis, Ecstasy, cocaine and other illegal drugs are so widespread in modern society that the police cannot justify the amazing bias they show by stopping blacks seven times as frequently as whites. Norfolk Chief Constable Ken Williams said: "All parts of our community must have the confidence that their constabulary will deal with them in a sensitive and fair manner." Stopping, searching, arresting and prosecuting people for possession of their choice of drug is neither sensitive nor fair. If Mr Williams wants all of our community to have confidence in the police, he could start by re-thinking his force's approach to drug users. You reported in your 'In Court' section that a magistrate had fined one person the grand sum of one pound for possession of cannabis. Why is Mr Williams persecuting cannabis users when they cause no harm to themselves or others? How can he justify spending public money taking people to court for possession of cannabis when the courts are recognising that this 'crime' is not worth taking seriously? Hugh Roberston The Legalise Cannabis Alliance PO Box 198 Norwich NR2 2DE