Source: Chicago Tribune (IL)
Copyright: 1998 Chicago Tribune Company
Pubdate: 10 Jan 1998
Author: Margaret Van Duch
Section: Metro Northwest


Many preteens rally around the "Just Say No" slogan that promotes a
drug-free lifestyle. But a group of students at Locust Junior High School
in Marengo is taking the theme one step further by performing drug and
alcohol awareness plays for area children.

The youngsters are using short plays to illustrate issues they are facing;
these challenges include not only drugs but negative influences.

"The Big Game" is about a basketball player whose father doesn't
acknowledge her athletic talents because he's too involved with his son's
sports. The girl quits the team and starts hanging around with the wrong
crowd. In the end, the father recognizes his lack of support and the girl
returns to the basketball team.

Teresa Smith, who oversees the Locust preteens, said the students selected
the play because it parallels their lives so well.

"The kids are taking a very effective approach on the subject. The skit is
very true to life and gives the kids a real connection with reality," said
Roy Asplund, principal of Riley Elementary School in unincorporated McHenry
County, where the play was presented.

The 10 students in the group found that a play can deliver a potent message
to their peers.

Kristen Cavanaugh, 12, one of the actors, supports the skit's message as
well as what the group is trying to achieve. "I have a good life ahead of
me," she said. "I don't want to ruin my chances with drugs and alcohol." 
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MAP posted-by: Mike Gogulski