Pubdate: Tue, 26 Jan 1999
Source: ITAR-TASS (Russia)
Copyright: 1999 ITAR-TASS.


DUSHANBE, January 26 (Itar-Tass) -  A total of 2,600 grams of heroin were
confiscated from two female passengers of a Dushanbe- Alma Ata flight at
the Dushanbe airport on Tuesday, sources at the Tajik Customs Committee
told Itar- Tass.

The attention of customs officers was attracted by the nervous conduct of
women, especially when a check-up of fruit bags began. It appeared that the
narcotic drug was hidden in plastic bags inside the fruit. The women said
they  had been forced to take the drug by unknown armed men. They claimed
they were  only to bring the heroin into the plane and pass it over to
certain people  during the flight.

The airport has toughened inspection of passengers and their baggage on the
instruction of President Emomali Rakhmonov.

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MAP posted-by: Joel W. Johnson