Pubdate: Fri., 08 Oct 1999 Source: Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Copyright: 1999 Amarillo Globe-News Contact: Forum: Author: David Carter RATIONAL DEBATE A 'MUST' To the editor: Regarding your Sept. 28 editorial, "U.S. drug legalization an unnecessary surrender," I support the Globe-News in its call for rational debate on the drug issue. But since prohibition is the order of the day, there is no incentive for McCaffrey even to approach the table. Indeed, the indefensibilty of our brand of prohibition requires that he shy away from any competent, rational debate. The editorial, unfortunately, parrots deeply-ingrained assumptions with no basis in reality. Those assumptions can be quickly refuted as logical fallacies learned in Philosophy 101. These statements glare out at anyone with an eye for objectivity. The last half of the editorial is a list of "musts" and "must nots" which almost seems a gentle attempt to exclude unpopular ideas from open and honest debate. Why "must" law enforcement be involved? For fear that what might happen? Is not a crime a crime regardless of whether a drug was involved? Why is watching TV with a joint any more a crime than watching TV with a beer? As long as discussion remains on this level, there is really no point in continuing. We might as well shoot every drug user on sight for his own and our own good, because that is the end result of the slope our society is slipping down. DAVID CARTER Houston - --- MAP posted-by: manemez j lovitto