Pubdate: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Copyright: 1999 Chicago Tribune Company Contact: 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611-4066 Website: Forum: Author: Lisa Donovan CARING AND CONTROVERSY Founder Defends Program To Curb Births Of Drug-Addicted Babies Barbara Harris has become, quite by accident, a missionary seeking to prevent the births of drug-addicted children. Talk to her detractors and they don't see her work as anything close to noble. The 47-year-old California mother is the founder of CRACK -- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity--and its controversial program that dangles a $200 reward for any drug addict--woman or man--who agrees to undergo sterilization or take long-term birth control. Harris said the goal of the non-profit organization is simply to provide an incentive for drug addicts to stop having children whom they do not want, and more importantly, cannot care for. In the wake of publicity about CRACK, which opened a Chicago chapter in July--one of only a handful in the United States--a flood of calls came in to the non-profit agency's toll-free line. The calls were largely supportive, by many definitions, but Chicagoans by far have been more critical, accusing Harris of eugenics and comparing her to Hitler. In the interview that follows, Harris talks about her controversial program. Q. How does someone who never intended to be an agent for social change become the leader of a controversial movement that offers cash to drug-addicted women who get their tubes tied or addicted men who get vasectomies? A. Well, my husband and I had had six sons and we decided at one point we wanted a girl so we thought we would adopt. We got a girl at 8 months old, but when she was born she had crack, heroin and PCP in her system. Four months after we got her, the social worker called, and our daughter's biological mother had had another baby. A year later we received a call and there was another. And a year after that there was another one. I thought, "Why not keep them (the siblings) together." We ended up adopting four out of eight drug-addicted babies from the same woman. And I just got fed up about it all. I thought there must be something we can do. Q. So where did you get the cash-for-birth-control idea? A. Actually, C.R.A.C.K. wasn't founded on that program. I actually started C.R.A.C.K. in 1994, outraged at my own experience that women addicted to drugs could just keep having babies. And there was no penalty for these women--only for society, which was paying for the child's care and possibly the later consequences. So I and a California assemblyman drew up legislation in 1995 which would make it a crime to have drug-addicted babies. The woman would have a choice of jail time or drug treatment. The most important part of the legislation, however, was court-ordered mandatory long-term birth control. Eventually, the legislation died. Q. So what was your next move? A. Well, there was some desperation, really. And then I thought `How can you get an irresponsible drug addict to use birth control?' Money. What motivates a drug addict? Money. Q. And it was as simple as that -- you just scraped together some money and started paying women to be sterilized? A. Actually, I got a $400 donation from an attorney who works in children's court out here in California--she sees these women coming in with seven, eight, nine kids. I already had the idea and she gave me the start-up money. In the beginning, I paid a lot out of my own pocket for phone bills. But as we put up billboards and spread the word, we started getting some donors. Dr. Laura Schlessinger gave us $5,000. Q. How old are the adopted children and are they aware their adoption led you to this volunteer work? A. The kids are 9, 7, 8 and 6. I think they know their mother was addicted to drugs and couldn't care for them, and I think they have a very limited understanding of my volunteer work. Look, if I thought this whole thing would send us in to some kind of time warp and take away my kids, whom I love, obviously I wouldn't be doing this. The fact is, I love them, but there's not enough kids out there who are in the same situation, who have someone else who can step in and take care of them because their biological parents can't. Q. And what do you say to those people who say this is unnatural selection or selective breeding. A. I'm just really fed up with that. These people have already had numerous babies by the time they come to us--and that's another point, they come to us. Q. How about people who say you are cold-hearted about the women themselves, how your agency and the program don't address the addicts' problem: drugs. A. We're already spending billions on drug treatment every year--those people (critics) act like there's nothing being done for those people. While they're fighting the battle to keep people off drugs, we can make sure they don't have drug-addicted babies. Q. Much of our discussion has centered on women--how much interest have drug-addicted men shown? A. Well, we've had plenty of inquiries from men. But once they find out what they've got to do, we don't hear from them again. Q. Have you ever had a drug problem or used illegal drugs? A. I've probably tried marijuana a couple of times, but sometimes I wish I had been an addict so I could relate to people. Q. You repeatedly say many people don't have a good understanding, a good insight about the addict. What have you learned in taking calls from women who inquire about the birth control program? A. You know, I get really tired of hearing people say we're dealing with women who don't know what they're doing when they agree to be sterilized. So I talk with the women, ask them, "Do you ever have moments in the day when you know what's going on? Because these other people act like you totally don't know what's going on." And they just laugh and say, "Yes, I know what's going on." Q. You said you're not sure how it will evolve, in terms of programming outside the cash for birth control, but what is the future of C.R.A.C.K.? A. We hope to become a nationally recognized organization with a chapter in every major city, like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). - --- MAP posted-by: manemez j lovitto